------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hi I was just wandering if you have the magic file for a four input > multiplexer. In the stdcell folder there is a .ps file for this cell, but > no magic file. all avaible cells are in stdcell directory. If the .mag file is not there, then we cannot use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > how do we use global variables? we put an exclamation mark at the end > of the CLK's, Vdd's, and GND's but we got nothing but errors when we > tried to simulate using irsim. Also we notice little white boxes next > to our labels? do you know what this is about? also, we would like > to know how to properly define a global variable in our .cmd file. > any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. thanks. IRSim is very strict on format. It is CASE SENSITIVE. Please check whether all the notations in your .sim file and .cmd file are consistent. For example, if you are using 'Vdd!' in .sim file, then in .cmd file, it should be 'Vdd!' also, not 'vdd!', 'VDD!' or 'Vdd'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I am a student in your ESE355 lab section, I am not sure which chip > I suppose to use for D-FlipFlop from the standard cell folder. > Could you verify the name of the magic CMOS standard cell that is > a D-FlipFlop. some files starting with 'df'. I am sure there are some D-ff. I checked them on friday. For some of them, besides input pin D, output pin Q, clk pin CLK, they also have Reset pin, Set pin and/or Q_ pin. Choose the simplest one that satisfy your design. If you don't want to use some pins in a standard D-ff, connect them to Vdd or Gnd. For more info, please refer to .ps files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------